A study in Israel looked at what happened when people start drinking one standard drink per day, over two years. They split people into three groups, gave one water, and the other two either red or white wine. At the end of the study, there weren’t any consistent health effects – positive or negative – from drinking wine.

alcohol abstinence vs moderation

Your whole body may convulse saying, “I’ll do anything, just don’t ask me or tell me that I have to stop forever.” This is normal. If this is how you feel, commit yourself to being open to new ideals and beliefs that may result in a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. Sara explained to her therapist that she didn’t think she could quit drinking altogether.

Drinking in Moderation vs. Abstinence — Is One Better?

The consequences of using should be remembered, not with a guilty conscience, but in a realistic portrayal of why you have chosen sobriety. Also to be remembered are alcohol abstinence vs moderation the experiences and feelings that come from abstinence. This word “abstinence” can be an intimidating word to many, especially those in the early stages of recovery.

A study conducted at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden found that the Reagans of the world are more successful in treatment than the Saras.

What is Sexual Sobriety and Why Is It Important

Before deciding whether you want to embark on an abstinence or moderation-based journey, it’s essential to pinpoint your condition and desire to quit drinking. It’s important to note, too, that not everyone considering these approaches has an alcohol use disorder (AUD). If you view yourself as someone who would like to cut back on how many drinks you have a week, then moderation may be best suited for you. However, if you find yourself struggling with regulating how much alcohol https://ecosoberhouse.com/ you drink in a day or week, an abstinence-based approach may be necessary for changing your drinking habits. The study, which included nearly 5 million people, found that low-volume drinkers had a significantly lower mortality risk than did lifetime abstainers. They looked at the standard model of research for moderate drinking studies – dividing people into never drinkers, moderate drinkers, and heavy drinkers – and found that moderate drinkers were the healthiest of the bunch.

  • The group was monitored nine months after receiving the support and information and it was discovered that the group had managed to curtail their consumption by one third.
  • And it goes without saying that for anyone who has developed a really serious drinking problem, abstinence is by far the safest course.
  • Limiting the amount of alcohol you drink, or taking breaks from drinking alcohol, are ways to get your alcohol problem under control while providing space for you to address the issues that power your drinking.
  • Our program offers expert medical support, recovery coaching, and a variety of tools and resources—all delivered 100 percent virtually.

Outpatient programs for alcohol abuse may include partial hospitalization programs or intensive outpatient treatment. Inpatient or residential treatment may also be recommended if your alcohol use disorder co-occurs with a mental health disorder like depression. These rehab facilities likely offer an integrated approach for dual diagnosis that treats both conditions simultaneously. Simply put, those who want to learn to drink in moderation are less likely to achieve their goal, while those who set a goal of quitting drinking entirely see greater success. The paper also found a significant interaction between the age of study subjects and their mortality risk. While there wasn’t much of a difference in risk between younger and older groups who drank moderately, younger people in the study had greater mortality risks than the older ones at high consumption levels.

How to Regain Trust in a Relationship After Addiction

A recent study just last month concluded that moderate drinking might be preventing depression, which seems incredibly unlikely for a number of reasons. If you have health problems related to alcohol, it may be unsafe to drink at all, period. In this case, abstinence is the best way forward for your health and safety.

alcohol abstinence vs moderation

There is a feeling of freedom that results from this commitment where one does not feel hopeless or without choices. Combined with a consistent and aggressive disputing of urges to use, most find their messages to use either decrease to nothing or become infrequent and easily handled. It may not be easy to see now, but your life can be restored to where you are in control, your addiction and the urges will recede to an unpleasant memory. You don’t have to live in a constant battle with these painful, nagging urges. You have experienced enough consequences in your life that no one needs to tell you that you are fed up with your addictive behavior. If you are just starting your recovery program it may take time to make a decision on a commitment to abstinence before it is really firm in your heart.

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SMART Recovery was established in 1994 in the USA to meet the increasing demand of health professionals and their patients for a secular and science-based alternative to the widespread 12-Step addiction recovery program. First of all, as mentioned earlier, don’t make a commitment until you are firm in your path to sobriety. Second, realize a commitment to sobriety is not a commitment to be forever perfect. Before you consider that to be a SMART Recovery® license to relapse, it is not. The reality for alcohol addictions, for example, is that people have an average of two and a half relapses in their ultimate turn to permanent sobriety.

Many individuals with an alcohol use disorder that wish to change their drinking, however, have a goal of moderation – sometimes referred to as “harm reduction” – rather than complete abstinence. Indeed, moderation appears to be a viable pathway to alcohol use disorder remission for some. Identifying who will be most likely to respond to these moderation-focused alcohol treatments will be key to clinical recommendations and policies related to moderation versus abstinence. Historically, treatment options for moderation have been extremely limited and it’s only in recent years that we have seen an increase in alternative solutions for those who have a mild to moderate alcohol issue. TV presenter and alcohol moderation advocate Adrian Chiles, in his 2022 book The Good Drinker shares his journey from over drinking to wellness.